Doctor Voldritch's Experiment Mac OS

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Published online 2015 Mar 16. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0119042
PMID: 25775376
  1. The time and the experiment was stopped, when the patient started to smile while looking at the nametag or tried to spell the doctors name, while entering the room and taking a seat. Otherwise, after 60 seconds, the experiment was terminated. Subsequently, after completion of the experiment, the participant was asked two 'yes' or 'no' questions.
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Koustuv Dalal, Academic Editor

Associated Data

The foundation for one of the most successful modern treatments of cancer was first discovered in a Michigan State University lab in the mid-1960s. I have reincarnated as a dragoness?! mac os. As lab supervisor, MSU microbiologist and researcher Loretta VanCamp played a critical role in the breakthrough development of the world's leading anti-cancer drugs cisplatin and carboplatin.

Data Availability Statement

All relevant data are within the paper.



The patient-physician relation begins when the physician introduces himself with name and function. Most institutions request a nametag with name and function to be worn. Although nametags are consequently worn, the optimal position for the nametag is unknown. It was the purpose of this study to identify whether positioning the nametag on the right or the left chest side provides better visibility to the patient.

Method and Material

One hundred volunteers, blinded to the experimental setup, presented for an orthopedic consultation in a standardized manner. The nametag of the physician was randomly positioned on the left chest side and presented to 50 individuals (age 35 years (range 17 to 83)) or the right chest side and then presented to 50 other individuals (35 years (range 16 to 59)). The time of the participant noticing the nametag was documented. Subsequently, the participant was questioned concerning the relevance of a nametag and verbal self-introduction of the physician.


38% of the participants noticed the nametag on the right as opposed to 20% who noticed it if placed on the left upper chest (p = 0.0473). The mean time to detection was 9 (range 1–40) seconds for nametags on the right and 25.2 seconds (range 3 to 49, p = 0.006) on the left. For 87% of the participants, a nametag is expected and important and nearly all participants (96%) expected the physician to introduce himself verbally.


Doctor Voldritch's Experiment Mac Os Download

It is expected that a physician wears a nametag and introduce himself verbally at the first encounter. Positioning the nametag on the right chest side results in better and faster visibility.



The patient-physician relation begins at the first encounter. Optimally, the physician introduces himself with name and function. Most institutions request a nametag with name and function to be worn. This is to ensure, that the patient can identify the physician even if the physician does not introduce himself verbally. The importance of a nametag for physicians has been documented previously [, ] and efforts were made to enhance the patients' knowledge of the names and roles of the physicians for example by use of face-cards []. But, although nametags are well-established and consequently worn in all developed institutions, the correct position of where to wear the nametag is unknown. While in some institutions, the nametag is worn at the left side, in others (e.g. military) it is to be worn at the right side [4, 5]. In most of the hospitals, there is no policy about the position of the nametag. It was the purpose of this study to identify whether positioning the nametag on the right or the left chest side provides better visibility to the patient. Further, we aimed to seek the subjective importance of verbal introduction of the physician to the patient by the first encounter.

Material and Methods

One hundred volunteers (male to female: 50:50, mean age 35±13, range 16 to 83), blinded to the experimental setup, were included and asked to present for an orthopedic consultation in a standardized manner. All participants were verbally informed and agreed to participate to the experiment. The Ethic Committee of Zurich waived the requirement for approval of this study. Verbal informed consent was obtained from all participants, and participation was voluntary. No medical or personal data were collected, and all data were de-identified during the experiment.

The participants were blinded to the intervention, namely measurement of time of detection of the nametag. A physician (orthopedic surgeon) randomly a nametag (Fig. 1) either on the left chest side which was then presented to 50 participants (male to female: 25:25, age 35 years (range 17 to 83)) or on the right side which was presented to 50 other participants (male to female: 25:25, 35 years (range 16 to 59)). The same physician was exposed to the participants to avoid confounding of other factors. The physician did consciously not introduce himself by telling his name but used the phrase „hello, why are you presenting at my office?' and presented the patient his right hand for greeting. For better measurement of the study outcome, namely time until recognition of the nametag, a smiley instead of a photo was used with a text instead of the physicians name: 'Dr. Please Smile' (Fig. 1). An additional independent observer, covered as a medical student, measured the time from entrance of the patient to the room up to patient's attention to the nametag using an IPhone 4S device. The time and the experiment was stopped, when the patient started to smile while looking at the nametag or tried to spell the doctors name, while entering the room and taking a seat. Otherwise, after 60 seconds, the experiment was terminated. Subsequently, after completion of the experiment, the participant was asked two 'yes' or 'no' questions. First: 'Is it important that doctors wear a nametag during daily business' and second: 'Is it important to introduce himself verbally by telling the patient his name and function'.

Physicians nametag during consultation.

Statistical analyses

The commercial software PRISM (Version 5 for Mac OS X, Graphpad) was used for analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to report mean, standard deviation (SD) and range of data, where adequate. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was employed to test for Gaussian distribution before applying either two-sided unpaired student's t-test or Mann Whitney test for inter-group comparison, respectively. Chi Square test was used to test binary data between the groups. Subgroup analysis was performed to investigate potential gender-dependent differences. A p-value of <0.05 was considered as statistically significant.


Only 29 of the 100 participants noticed the abnormal nametag. While the nametag was noticed more often (19 of 50, 38%) if worn on the right side, only 20% (10 of 50) noticed it, when it was worn on the left chest side (p = 0.0473). Further, the nametag was noticed much faster if positioned on the right side after 9 seconds (range 1 to 40) if compared with 25.2 seconds (range 3 to 49) if placed on the left chest side (p = 0.006).

The majority (87%) of the participants judged that a nametag was important to wear and nearly all (96%) expected the physician to introduce himself verbally. There was no relevant difference in attitude of the participants in regard to necessity of wearing a nametag or verbal introduction between those who were exposed to a right-sided nametag and those to a left-sided nametag. Latter answered with 'yes' in 86% when ask if it is important that a physician wears a nametag and 92% answered with 'yes' for importance of verbal introduction. This was similar to the answers of the participants exposed to a right-sided nametag with 88% and 100% respectively.

The mean age of male participants was higher (38±14 years, range 17 to 83) than that of the female participants (32±11 years, range 16 to 53) (p = 0.021). The, attention to the nametag was similar with a detection rate of 26% (13 of 50) for men versus 32% (16 of 50) (p = 0.509) for women. The time for noticing of the nametag was also statistically not different with 15.3s (range 1 to 30) in males versus 14s (range 1 to 49) in females (p = 0.807). The attitude of the male and female patients was nearly equal with 42 males and 45 females considering a nametag as important and 49 male and 47 females emphasizing the necessity of verbal introduction of the physician.


A solid physician-patient communication and relationship is crucial for diagnosis, disease management and control [–] and patient satisfaction []. The first encounter optimally begins with the physician introducing himself to the patient verbally. Most institutions request that the physician wears a nametag with name and function and while the necessity to do so is well understood and established, it was hitherto unknown whether the nametag should be worn on the left or the right chest side for better visibility. The results of the here presented study clearly demonstrate that positioning the nametag on the right side of the chest results in better and faster detection.

This observation is plausible and could be caused by several behavioral aspects. First, by the first encounter, the patient usually seeks the physician's eyes first, then searching for his right hand for greeting. Thereby the field of view of the patient runs over the physician's right side. Second, the physician who reaches out his right arm for salutation presents the right side of his body by doing so.

Nevertheless, anecdotally more physicians (29 of 49 in our institution) are used to place the nametag on the left side of the chest. We believe that this phenomenon is based on the right-handedness (70–90%) [–], since it is easier to place the nametag with the right hand on the left chest than on the right side of the chest.

Although the results of this study clearly favor the nametag to be positioned on the right side, limitations of the study need consideration. First, the mean age of the participants was 35 years and the results might not be directly applicable to an older population. Second, the setting of the encounter was an orthopedic consultation and it is plausible, but not yet proven, that the here presented results are also applicable to other settings such consultations of other specialties or to hospitalized patients. Third the study was conducted in a country with a language that is read left-to-right and with the habit to give the right hand for greeting. This might have an effect on the patterns of visual screening of the participants.


It is expected that a physician wears a nametag and introduces himself (or herself) verbally by the first encounter. Positioning the nametag on the right chest side results in better and faster visibility.

Funding Statement

These authors have no support or funding to report.

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the paper.


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Item #: SCP-3082

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The suburban locale surrounding SCP-3082 and the private property associated with the anomaly itself are to remain in the Foundation's ownership, functioning as a Site-11 satellite facility. In order to more easily preserve the appearance of an unremarkable neighborhood, it is recommended that Foundation personnel inhabit residences in the vicinity of SCP-3082.

The ladder granting access to SCP-3082 is to be removed when not in use.

Personnel must maintain diplomatic relations with the human population of SCP-3082-1. In the interest of perpetuating goodwill, personnel are not to interfere with internal conflicts among residents of the anomaly.

The population of the village designated SCP-3082-1-ϴ may request that the Foundation provide certain items. Requests for clothing, entertainment devices, and media may be fulfilled at the discretion of authorized staff. The provision of livestock, pets, tools, food, beverage, and/or other items must be approved by a Level 4 supervisor and endorsed by the village's 'chief royal council'.1

SCP-3082 as seen from SCP-3082-1's pocket dimension

Description: SCP-3082 is a 2 m by 2 m by 2 m treehouse located in the mid-western United States. The object is made of cherry wood planks. SCP-3082 is also a 4 m by 5 m by 2.5 m maple wood treehouse cabin located in an evergreen section of SCP-3082-1. In this form, the object appears to have been constructed in the Greek revival architectural style.

SCP-3082's two forms are connected by a 1 meter by 1.3 meter hatch on an interior wall of the object. The hatch serves as the access point to and from a stable, Earth-like pocket dimension containing neither large fauna nor sentient native inhabitants. This external reality is centered around SCP-3082-1.

Measuring an estimated 160 km tall, SCP-3082-1 is an extreme megaflorum and arboreal organism displaying numerous traits from a large variety of identifiable plants seemingly grafted onto it. Sampling and analysis have determined that sections of SCP-3082-1 which resemble various plant species are genetically identical to non-anomalous specimens. Analysis of bark samples taken from transition areas between one plant species and another has revealed [DATA REDACTED].

Conifers (Pinophyta) and flowering deciduous trees are the most common phenotypical features in the portion of SCP-3082-1's geography that has been documented by the Foundation. Approximately 10% of documented plants are edible or bear fruit edible to humans. The most notable graft organism observed of the many that make up SCP-3082-1 is an anomalous species of pitcher plant (Nepenthes) which contains fresh water in its pitcher cups2 rather than trap fluid.

Doctor Voldritch's Experiment Mac Os Pro

Enhanced long-range photo of the ground-level geography surrounding SCP-3082-1

SCP-3082-1 appears to be the sole major vertical structure within its extradimensional space. Long-range imaging has revealed only flat terrain and decaying plant life extending out from the organism's base for at least 3000 km. Despite great altitude variation, atmospheric pressure remains largely consistent (averaging 101 kPa) throughout the pocket reality. Temperate weather patterns exist in the local vicinity of SCP-3082-1. Researchers have determined that the organism receives approximately 1300 mm of annual precipitation on average.3

Living within the pocket dimension are 74 human children of American nationality ranging from 4 to 12 years old. 73 of these subjects currently reside in a village of treehouses, henceforth designated SCP-3082-1-ϴ, located in a section of SCP-3082-1's uppermost branches. Each individual claims to have suddenly appeared on the porch of SCP-3082 after fleeing from an abusive household. Neither the children nor their possessions appear to physically age or deteriorate. Investigation has positively identified these children as the subjects of missing person reports from 1996 through modern day.

SCP-3082-1-ϴ is situated approximately 120 meters from the location of SCP-3082 within the pocket reality. A series of platforms and rope bridges4 lead from the access point to the village without detour. The tree forts of SCP-3082-1-ϴ are of notably cruder construction than SCP-3082. Corroborated statements from the chronologically oldest residents of the village indicate that the object was present prior to when subjects began appearing.

The residents of SCP-3082-1-ϴ are prevented from entering the access point in SCP-3082 by a reportedly glass-like barrier unobservable by human subjects age 13 and older.

Two distinct political factions have arisen within SCP-3082-1-ϴ as an indirect result of Foundation interference. The presently larger camp has expressed support for research efforts toward the goal of releasing the village residents from the pocket reality. The smaller group, which calls itself the 'Neverland movement', has declared opposition to the Foundation's planned resettlement of the subjects to normal reality should a viable means of cross-dimensional transportation be found.

Document #3082-01: Visually aided dossier of SCP-3082 case files relevant to current research and operations.

Following the establishment of diplomatic relations with the governing assembly of SCP-3082-1-ϴ, residents of the village provided Foundation personnel with lodgings on the outskirts of their community.

Both manned and unmanned explorations of SCP-3082-1 are directed from this location.



Document #3082-02: Hell ball (jan kopejtko) mac os. Excerpts from transcripts of interviews with the residents of SCP-3082-1-ϴ.

1. The self-proclaimed 'chief royal council' is an oligarchical governing assembly of 7 civically engaged and relatively well-respected residents of SCP-3082-1-ϴ.
3. This amount of rainfall has been determined to be gravely insufficient to sustain a plant organism of SCP-3082-1's mass. Researchers postulate that SCP-3082-1 either retains or generates additional water through anomalous means.
4. The original rope bridges traversing the branches of SCP-3082-1 at the time of the anomaly's discovery were unable to safely hold more than 130 kg at a time. The Foundation has since replaced the majority of these with new structures rated for 1500+ kg.
5. [2.12 radians clockwise, 20 km inward, -50 km vertical] from reference point SCP-3082 [0 radians, 0 km inward, 0 km vertical].
6. See 'Residents' case files for information regarding the subject designated SCP-3082-2
7. Speculation that Jacquelyn Morrison currently resides within SCP-3082's pocket reality is unconfirmed.

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